It can be anything from an issue as trivial as an incorrect system date to far more perplexing server issues – it could be almost anything. Like we just discussed, as far as the reason that Google sometimes says “This site can’t provide a secure connection,” it’s almost impossible to pin it down to a single cause. Heck, I’ve gotten one on here, on our website, and I can assure you our SSL/TLS configuration is up to snuff. The SSL errors can pop up on the most popular sites as well as on the least ones. The frustrating thing about this error (family of errors, really) is that there’s no easily discernible cause behind it a lot of the time. If Google Chrome is your window to the world of the internet, you must have encountered a “This site can’t provide a secure connection” error or an ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR message at least once. In Everything Encryption A quick guide on how to fix Chrome’s ‘This site can’t provide a secure connection’ or ‘ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.’